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Heating System Repair or Replacement: How to Decide

A heater failure is the last possible thing that you want to have happen in a Canadian winter. That’s why it is best to be prepared. Knowing how to identify the signs of trouble ahead of time can go a long way in avoiding days or weeks without any heat.

The bigger question you may find yourself asking is whether you need repairs or a replacement for your heater. We can help you find out. Read on to learn some of the differentiators that will help you determine whether you need repairs or a replacement for your furnace or ductless heater.

3 Signs You Need Repairs

You should reach out for repairs if you notice any of these signs of issues with your heater.

  1. The heater is short cycling. When your heater turns on, runs for a few minutes, and then shuts off, it isn’t a sign that the system is suddenly operating super well. This is known as short cycling and is a sign that something is hindering your heater’s ability to do its job. This is hard on the system too, so don’t delay getting it checked out.
  2. There is no hot air. Is your heater producing lukewarm or even cold air? Then something is wrong! You may have an electrical problem or an ignition issue. Make sure to get a cold heater examined ASAP.
  3. You hear concerning sounds. Hearing something strange from your heater is another indicator of trouble. Sounds such as rattling, screeching, booming, or even hissing or buzzing should prompt a call to a professional.

These aren’t the only warning signs of trouble, of course, so make sure to be alert for any other abnormalities. It is always better to call a professional and double-check things!

3 Signs You Need Replacements

Not every issue is fixable. Here are some signs that repairs may not be enough this year.

  1. Your heating system is old. If you don’t know how old your ductless heater or furnace is then it is a good idea to find out. A system that is over 15 years old is one that is likely to need replacement sooner than later.
  2. You need frequent repairs. Repairs are inevitable but that doesn’t mean they should be frequent. If your ductless system or your furnace seems to require repairs every year, then it is time to consider an upgrade.
  3. Repair bills are too high. The price of your system repairs can be another indicator that you are better off upgrading. A good rule of thumb to remember is that when your repair bill equals half or more of the cost of a new system, then your money is better off going towards a new system.

When you need an expert furnace or ductless heating service in West Kelowna, BC, you can trust our team to get the job done right. Our team is on time for each and every job we do.

We guarantee your comfort with every job we do. Contact the expert Comfort Tech team to schedule your furnace heater services.

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